Home » Policies


Articles in support of policies 

Assessment and the Observer Principle

Assessment for learning and development in Waldorf education

Bullying article

Children learning to read later catch up to children reading earlier

How do we know that the children are learning?

School starting age: the evidence 

Use of Electronic Media: Guidelines for Parents

Covid-19 policies

Covid-19 Management Policy [September 2021]

Covid-19: Remote Learning and Online Safety [August 2021]

Policy and Guidelines during the Covid-19 Pandemic [February 2022]

Policy for Attendance at School and Remote Learning during Covid-19 Lockdowns [February 2021]

Covid-19 Addendum to the Safeguarding Policy: Online Safety [April 2020]

Covid-19 Outbreak Management Plan [October 2021]

School Policies

‘Able, Gifted, and Talented’ Statement [August 2022]

Accepting Donations Policy [February 2022]

Accidents, Incidents and First Aid [August 2023]

Admissions Policy & Procedure [August 2023]

Application Form Procedure [April 2023]

Anti-Bulling Policy & Procedure [September 2023]

Arriving and Collecting Children Procedure [August 2023]

Assessment & Marking Policy (Lower School) [August 2022]

Assessment in the High School Policy [May 2023]

Attendance, Punctuality & Registration Policy & Procedure [September 2023]

Child Study Facilitation [March 2021]

Code of Conduct & Behaviour Policy (Pupils) [May 2024]

Curriculum Policy [August 2023]

Data Protection Policy [December 2021]

EAL Policy [September 2023]

E-Safety Curriculum Policy [August 2023]

Equality & Diversity Policy [August 2023]

Exclusion and Suspension of Pupils [February 2023]

Financial Policy [August 2023]

Fire Safety Policy [September 2023]

Health & Safety Policy [January 2024]

High School Student Registration Policy & Procedure [September 2023]

High School Tutoring and Pastoral Care Policy & Procedure [September 2023]

Human Values Statement [January 2023]

Infectious and Communicable Diseases Policy & Procedure [August 2023]

Leadership, Management & Governance Structure [August 2022]

Lost Pupil Procedure [February 2023]

Mentoring Policy (all staff) [February 2023]

Online Media Usage Policy: Guidelines for Parents [October 2020]

Parents’ Complaints Policy & Procedure [August 2023]

Policy for Processing and Retention of Personal Data [December 2019]

Pupils Leaving the School Policy [January 2023]

Procedure for Recovery of Fees [March 2022]

PSHEE & Careers Policy [March 2024]

Pupil Interview Procedure [April 2023]

Relationships and Sex Education Policy [August 2023]

Restrictive Physical Intervention Policy and Procedure [June 2024]

Returning Child Procedure [January 2023]

Reviewing Policies Procedure [September 2022]

Risk Assessment Policy [March 2024]

Safeguarding: Child Protection Policy & Procedure [January 2024]

Safeguarding Policy for Contractors Working on Site [April 2023]

Safer Staff Recruitment Policy & Procedure [August 2023]

School Gates Monitoring Policy & Procedure [January 2023]

School Health and Development Advisor Procedure [March 2023]

School Trips, Outings and Walks Policy and Procedure [February 2023]

SEND Policy [August 2023]

Smoking Policy [November 2020]

Staff Code of Conduct [August 2023]

Staff Induction Policy & Procedure [September 2023]

Supervision of Pupils Policy and Procedure [March 2023]

Trustee Induction Policy & Procedure [January 2024]

Use of Electronic Media Policy [August 2023]

Visitors’ Procedure [August 2023]

Whistleblowing Policy [April 2022]

Early Years Specific Policies

EY Accidents & First Aid Plan [September 2023]

EY Admissions Procedure [September 2023]

EY Assessment Policy [September 2023]

EY Behaviour Management Policy [September 2023]

EY Curriculum Policy for Kindergarten [September 2023]

EY Curriculum Policy for Older Children in Kindergarten [September 2023]

EY Evacuation Procedure Kindergarten – Cottage [September 2023]

EY Evacuation Procedure Kindergarten – Main Building [September 2023]

EY Lost Child Policy & Procedure [September 2023]

EY Non-Collection of Child Policy & Procedure [September 2023]

EY Out of Hours Babysitting Policy [September 2023]

EY Personal Care Policy & Procedure [September 2023]

EY SEND Policy & Procedure [September 2023]

EY Sexual Behaviour Policy [September 2023]

EY Staff Cover Policy & Procedure [September 2023]

EY Supervision of Staff Policy [September 2023]

EYFS Policy [September 2023]

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