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The thinking behind the school’s fee structure addresses several issues. We try to develop in the children a feeling of responsibility and care for the whole community – the whole world in fact – and a wish to help others who are less fortunate. We believe we should also model that in the way we run the school. Our ethos is not exclusive, and a school community made up of people with a wide range of incomes creates a healthier environment for the children. It is in everyone’s interests that we make it possible for people who don’t have so much money to come to the school. 

We charge reduced fees for second and third children because having more children doesn’t mean that parents are able to contribute more. However, having more children in the school benefits everyone, and we want to make it possible for large families to send all of their children to the school. We have found that children who have siblings in other schools often think they have been sent to our school because there is something wrong with them, and this affects their self-esteem and their attitude to the school, and also perpetuates the erroneous idea some people have that ours is a ‘special’ school for children with learning difficulties.

We also recognise that parents with small children have less ‘earning power’ than those with older children, and this has to be taken into account. This is the reason for charging different fees in different classes; it does not cost more to educate a child in Class 6 than it does a child in Class 2.

In some cases, these reductions are not enough, so we offer Fee Assistance, or bursaries, on application. Information about how to apply is in school’s Financial policy.

Perhaps the most important concern for us is to dispel the idea that we are selling education. Our aim is to offer the best possible education. To that end, we are committed to putting in the necessary work to make this happen. We are not paid according to the number of hours we teach or the number of years’ experience we have. In order that we can offer this to you, of course, we need enough money to live in London.

In order to offer the best possible education, we must continue to attract the best teachers, and we will not be able to do that unless we can pay them a proper salary. Living costs in London are higher than in other parts of the country, and staffing costs represent more than half of our annual budget. We also need equipment and materials, and to be able to develop and maintain the school building, grounds and facilities.


Application fee per child £60, to be submitted with the application form


The St Michael Steiner School receives no state funding but, like all Steiner schools, does not wish to be exclusive, believing that it is healthy for children from all backgrounds to mix. Therefore the school is a registered charity and fees are kept low with fee assistance offered as far as possible. In London, overheads are very high, so we ask those who are able to contribute to our Fee Assistance fund.


A deposit of £1000 is payable upon acceptance of the offer of a place. Withdrawal of a child requires one full term’s notice or the payment of a full term’s fees and the deposit is held until the child’s final term payment has been received. Arrangements can be made, on request, for payment of the deposit to be spread over the child’s first term in the school.


Tuition Fees (St Michael Steiner School 2024-25)


Tuition charges can be paid either:
• in full at the beginning of the year or
• for each term at the beginning of the relevant term or
• by monthly Standing Order.

POSSIBLE EXTRA COSTS – These will be added to your termly invoice
School trips
Purchase of wooden flutes and recorders.

Fee assistance is allocated annually in May for the academic year beginning the following September.

For 3-4-year-olds enrolled at the school 5 mornings/week, we are in receipt of 15hrs/week Government Funding. In the case of 4 or 3 days/week enrolment, the government funding decreases accordingly.

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