Our Students in Higher Education
A list of the courses to which our Class 12 graduates have been accepted. We do not run GCSE’s or A-levels; all students have been offered places on the courses listed below based upon their achievement of the New Zealand Certificate of Steiner Education (NZCSE), their personal statements, references, and (in several cases) interviews.
Class of 2016

In 2016 four students completed Level 3 of the NZCSE, with the following results:
– 1 student: Achieved
– 1 student: Achieved – Highly Commended
– 2 students: Achieved – Distinction
2 students applied to higher education courses, with the following outcomes:
Computer Security at Royal Holloway
History of Art at University of East Anglia
[Additional offers: History of Art at Warwick University]
Class of 2017
In 2017 1 students completed Level 3 of the NZCSE, with the following results:
– 1 student: Achieved – Distinction
1 student applied to higher education courses, with the following outcome:
Psychology at University of Bristol
Class of 2018

In 2018 seven students completed Level 3 of the NZCSE, with the following results:
– 1 student: Achieved – Highly Commended
– 6 students: Achieved – Distinction
5 students applied to higher education courses, with the following outcomes:
English at York University
[Additional offers: English with a Study Year Abroad at Sussex University; English Literature with Philosophy at University of East Anglia]
Liberal Arts at King’s College, University of London (for entry: September 2019)
[Additional offers: Liberal Arts with Study Abroad at University of Bristol; Liberal Arts with Study Abroad at Exeter University]
Physics with Study in Europe at Manchester University (deferred: September 2019)
[Additional offers: Physics and Astronomy with a Foundation Year at Sussex University]
Product Design with Foundation Year at University of the West of England
[Additional offers: Product Design with Foundation Year at Buckinghamshire University; Interior Product Design with Foundation Year at Buckinghamshire University]
Theatre and Drama Studies at Birkbeck College, University of London
[Additional offers: Drama at Queen Mary, University of London; Drama and Theatre Studies at Royal Holloway]
Class of 2020
In 2020 six students completed Level 3 of the NZCSE, with the following results:
– 1 student: Achieved – Highly Commended
– 5 students: Achieved – Distinction
5 students applied to higher education courses, with the following outcomes:
Art Foundation Year at City and Guilds
Liberals Art at Queen’s University Belfast
[Additional offers: English Literature/History at University of Glasgow; Archaeology and Anthropology at University of Manchester; English Literature and History at Newcastle University]
Art History with English at New College of the Humanities
[Additional offers: History of Art at Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London; History of Art with a Year Abroad at University of East Anglia; History of Art (Asia, Africa, Europe) at SOAS, University of London; History of Art with a year abroad at University of York]
Art Foundation Year at The Royal Drawing School
Aerospace Engineering at University of Manchester
[Additional offers: Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering at University of Leeds]
Interior Architecture and Design at Arts University Bournemouth
[Additional offers: Drama and Film and Screen Studies at Bath Spa University; Film Studies at University of the West of England; Film (with Foundation Year) at University of East London]
Class of 2022
Music with a year abroad at University of Southampton
[Additional offers: Music at University of Manchester, Music at University of Bristol]
Chemistry at University of York
[Additional offers: Biological Sciences at Durham University]
Chemistry at Durham University
[Additional offers: Chemistry at University of York]
Sociology at University of Sussex
[Additional offers: Sociology at University of Manchester, Sociology at University of Exeter]
Theatre and Performance Studies at University of Bristol
[Additional offers: Drama at University of Exeter, Drama at University of Manchester, Drama and Theatre Studies at Royal Holloway, Drama, Theatre and Performance at University of Sussex]
Games Design at Brunel University, London
[Additional offers: Fine Art at Kingston University]
Business Management at University of Greenwich
[Additional offers: International Business at University of Greenwich, Business Management at London Metropolitan University]
Theatre and Performance Studies at University of Bristol
[Additional offers: Drama at University of Essex, Drama at University of Exeter, Drama and Theatre Practice at University of Hull, Drama at University of Manchester]
English Literature at University of Glasgow
[Additional offers: English Literature at Newcastle University, English at Queen’s University, Belfast]
Music (Popular) with Foundation Year at Leeds Conservatoire
Fine Art at Kingston University
[Additional offers: Art and Design (Photography) at Morley College]
Sport Coaching at University of Roehampton
[Additional offers: Sport Psychology, Coaching and Physical Education at London Metropolitan University, Sport Science (Coaching) including Foundation Year at Kingston University]
Art Foundation at Camberwell, UAL
Class of 2023
In 2023 four students completed Level 3 of the NZCSE, with the following results:
– 1 student: Achieved – Highly Commended
– 3 students: Achieved – Distinction
2 students applied to higher education courses in 2023, with the following outcomes:
Liberal Arts & Sciences at University of Birmingham
[Additional offers: Liberal Arts (including a year abroad) at University of Essex, Liberal Arts at King’s College London (University of London), English Literature and History with a Year Abroad at Swansea University]
Physics at Royal Holloway (University of London)
1 student applied to higher education courses in 2024, with the following outcomes:
International Relations (SocSci) at University of Glasgow
[Additional offers: International Relations and Politics at University of Dundee, International Relations and Africa and Black Diaspora at SOAS University of London]
Class of 2024
In 2024 seven students completed Level 3 of the NZCSE, with the following results:
– 1 student: Achieved
– 1 student: Achieved – Highly Commended
– 5 students: Achieved – Distinction
3 students applied to higher education courses, with the following outcomes:
Archaeology at Newcastle University
[Additional offers: Archaeology, Anthropology and Art History with a Placement Year at University of East Anglia]
Sports Performance Analysis and Talent Identification at St Mary’s University, Twickenham
[Additional offers: Sport and Exercises Sciences at University of Roehampton, Sport Psychology at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, Sports Management at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, Sports Management at University of Westminster]
English at University of Bristol
[Additional offers: English Literature with Creative Writing at University of Birmingham, English with Creative Writing at University of Leeds, English with Creative Writing at University of Nottingham]